Our Digital Marketing Experts throughout time has developed its reputation by providing satisfactory service to clients. We have 14 plus years of experience in providing Digital Marketing Services in Delhi and have worked over 80 successful projects and shown our clients an adequate path by making their strong presence in the Digital world. The RocketVolpe Web Solution team comprises of enthusiastic leads who are always ready to give their 100% in their every project. Their hard-work and innovative way of doing things have created our reputation in Digital Marketing service in Delhi. We are always ready to discuss with our clients and always listens to our client’s needs, as our team’s positive mentality makes them open to hear suggestions from our clients because our customer is as much as involved during this project as our Digital promoting team of specialists.
How our RocketVolpe Digital marketing services is going to serve you?
Working on difficult projects is the sole reason that motivates our team of Specialists. Our Digital Marketing Company explores different platforms and brings open and strong platforms for clients to settle themselves in the Digital world. There is a lot to explore during this Digital era and this being today’s necessity, we are aware of its current need for every business to reach the maximum audience. That’s why, we have a tendency & dedicated will to serve our customers and facilitate them in achieving their market goals. We always provide what we say to our clients and guarantee them success marketing using our innovative and creative updated techniques because we are professional digital marketers who are solution providers to our client's queries.
Publish Relevant Content: -
Quality Content is the backbone of the Search Engine Rankings as there is no substitute for the great content. It is created specifically for the relevant audience to increase site traffic which upgraded the site’s authority and it’s relevancy. Repeat your keyword phrase several times throughout the page i.e. once or twice in the opening & closing paragraphs and two to four times throughout the remaining content.
Remember: - Don’t forget to use bold, italics and heading tags and other important tags to highlight keyword phrases. The pages must be written for the users, not for the search engine.
Update your Content Regularly: -

Regularly updated content is viewed as it is one of the best indicators to make a relevant site. So, be sure to keep the site fresh. Audit the content on the scheduled basis and make updates as needed.
Metadata: -

While designing a website, each page contains a space between tags to insert metadata or the information related to the content of the page. It is important to review and update metadata as site changes over time.
1. Title Metadata: -
It is responsible for the page titles displayed at the top of a browser window. It is one of the most important metadata on the page.
Remember: - For CMS Website, the web team has developed an automatic system for creating meta title for each webpage and it must be based on the page title.
2. Description Metadata: -
It is the textual description of the website that shows up in search engine result pages. A good meta description will contain two full sentences i.e. 155 characters. Search Engines mostly use the meta description, it is important to give them this option.
3. Keyword Metadata: -
It is a specific type of meta tag that appears in the HTML code of a Web page and tells search engines what the topic of the page is.
Have a link-worthy site: -

Focus on creating the relevant links within the content of the page. Try out the name of the destination instead of the “click here” button. It will help to improve search engine rankings as well as the ranking of the page you are linking to. It not only improves SEO but also adds value to your readers includes who are using screen readers.
Use Alt Tags: -

Always explain your visual and video media using alt tags or text descriptions. They allow search engines to locate the page which is very essential especially for those who are screen readers.
Image Optimization: -

There are many ways to make sure your images are working hard for you on the SEO font.
You should make relevant content to search engines by using keywords for your image file name, alt tag, title, description, and caption.
Different Multimedia: -

Images, videos & audios help to reach the audience to deliver the information in a way that is most suited to ideal site visitors. It acts as a signal of quality content to search engines.
Video Marketing has become an essential element in driving user engagement and conversions. It is true that websites having videos can achieve a 4.8% higher conversion rate compared to the websites having no videos. Videos can attract an audience to spend some more on time on the website and gain valuable information.
Broken Links: -

Broken links are made up of bad usability. Search Engines consider a large number of broken links as a signal of a neglected site and this can impact SEO rankings. There are tools to ensure that your site is free of broken links: -
Screaming Frog SEO Spider
Google Webmaster Tool
W3C Link Checker
Readability: -

If you have a well-educated audience, then probably every time they visit your website and read your content. You don’t want them to give up reading your content and click away because it is very difficult to digest.
Make your content easy to read and understanding helps to make it useful to the readers. Some Specialists believe that Google takes readability into the account when webpages rank.
These three tools will scan your text and score its readability:
The Readability Test Tool
The Readability Calculator Microsoft Word
Readability - Score.com
Layout and Formatting: -

Proper formatting and a friendly layout for the audience can help to improve user experience, make your content easy to digest so that the audience stays longer time and gain valuable website information.
Formatting can help upgrade webpage’s usability by making the content easy to read and understand: -
Use bold type and colors strategically to call out important information and make the content attractive and easy to read.
Use font size and typography that are easy to read.
Use short paragraphs and line spacing in between as nobody likes a wall of text.
Use techniques such as sliders, tabs, progressive layouts, structured grids, modal windows, rollover elements.
Break the content into sections with subheads.
Use proper header tags that include keywords that helps in upgrading the SEO Ranking.
Contact us page: -

The website has sufficient contact information is considered to be trustworthy and can rank higher on Search Engines.
Include Get a Quote page on the website and put the link in the navigation not only makes for good audience experience.
It’s found that a well-designed contact form upgraded user participation in a company’s online existence. It also helps to generate new business opportunities, capture new leads, improve customer service, and more.
Site Architecture and Navigation: -

When the visitors can’t find that what they need on a website right away, they most likely leave the site and contributes to a high bounce rate and a low number of pages viewed.
A well-thought-out site architecture reflected in clear navigation is difficult in helping the visitors that find what they want on your site and accomplish the goals and they come back to our sites.
Mobile Optimization: -

Google has begun to penalize sites that are not for mobile optimization by bumping down the search engine ranking. More and more audience consumes the content on mobile devices and not being mobile optimized is going to impact audience experience and conversion. It is important for B2B marketers.
Social Sharing: -

There are a number of audiences on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and some other Social Media Platforms that improve SEO ranking. Installing Social Sharing Buttons on the website that not only makes it easy for users to share the content that helps to improve the users’ experience that helps to rank higher on searches. According to the report, 43% of the Social Media Users purchased products after sharing or liking it.